
florinbadita_telenav's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by florinbadita_telenav

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Evolving roads

Hei, it would help, installing directly with the instruction does not seem to work.

Evolving roads

On what version of linux did you used the importer ?

I`m trying to compile on 16.04, with no luck :(

Top 25 cities in the world by the number of POI

I was expecting them to be bigger, so we can also have the airports and other POI that are near a city, but not with that much.

I will try to find the time after work to find a list with the most important cities from around the world, in a shapefile

Top 25 cities in the world by the number of POI

I was expecting to be something with Rio De Janeiro

Nop, its not, not sure how this end up on the list with the cities and what was the logic of this, its seems like the river was included wierd

Top 25 cities in the world by the number of POI


Top 25 cities in the world by the number of POI

First of all Thank you very much !!! I did not know that you count in the search without displaying, i love overpass-turbo but i hated the fact that the browser was the bottleneck. this it`s a useful information.

I had a predefined list with around 1200 cities, having the bbox of them, from where i had created the polygons. I got the bbox from a predefined list, , there is a square cut for each of the cities. there is the possibility when we have 2 or more towns close each close to each other, to count a POI that is in the other city.
A shapefile approach with the city limits would yield more real results, have to see what version could i approach to get the shapefile without spending to much time searching for it. ( My task with the POI it`s done, but for the future, i would like to have a more precise method of measuring.

for Essen the polygon it`s “

POLYGON((6.74042 51.2949,6.74042 51.6291,7.27687 51.6291,7.27687 51.2949,6.74042 51.2949))”

For Dortmund the polygon is :

“POLYGON((7.21538 51.3368,7.21538 51.6708,7.75182 51.6708,7.75182 51.3368,7.21538 51.3368))”