
Public GPS Traces from emulsi

by emulsi

2016, family road trip, smartphone gps

by emulsi

road trip to Boothbay

by emulsi

railroad at Boothbay Railway Village

by emulsi

2016-04-01 trip

by emulsi

road trip by car, recorded in smartphone gps

by emulsi

travel to multiple events, collected by smartphone

by emulsi

road trip, smartphone gps

by emulsi

road trip, smartphone gps

by emulsi

road trip, smartphone gps

by emulsi

weekend roadtrip

by emulsi

Nov 2014 road trip

by emulsi in car

travel to Fort Western

by emulsi

day trip to Schoodic

by emulsi

July 2014 road trip

by emulsi

2014-06-29 trip to camden

by emulsi

2014-06-29 trip to camden

by emulsi

CC21 Boston-Bangor

by emulsi

shopping 2014-apr-04

by emulsi

shopping 2014-apr-04

by emulsi

shopping 2014-apr-04