
Public Transport VIENNA

Posted by emergency99 on 19 May 2015 in English. Last updated on 9 June 2015.


To incorporate the “public_transport” scheme into the Vienna Map (in a form which will render correctly on the ThunderForest transport map and is readable by the overpass API) I will, in the next few months, go through all of Vienna’s city bus lines (1A-99B), and change the stops as follows: A “bus stop” with the attribute “p_t = platform” directly to the (concessed) stops position (or at bus stop shelters, if any) and a stop_position on the road. [Link to WIKI] ( I will apply this scheme now (2015) to all Viennese city bus lines and the lines 106, 124 and 125. The regional bus stops I’ll only maybe adjust, there are some regional buses missing, and I do not know my way around so well with the regional lines. If, however, someone could adapt these lines and check for accuracy I would appreciate that ;)

Kind regards emergency99 (RobinD)

Location: 1210, Austria


Comment from tompor598 on 22 May 2015 at 10:09

Vienna bus Map - sounds good :) Thank for idea :)

Comment from Polyglot on 28 May 2015 at 04:05

Hallo Emergency99,

Hier ist ein Overpass Query falls du gerne mit die Routen als Skelett arbeitet:

[timeout:900]; area[“name”=”Wien”] -> .AT;

( node(area.AT); ) -> .allnodesinArea; ( rel(bn.allnodesinArea) [“type”=”route”] [“route”~”bus|tram”] ->.routes; // All bus and tram route relations .routes « ->.route_masters; // Their route_master parent relations // rel(r.route_masters) -> .more_child_routes; // Possibly more route relations //(.routes // .more_child_routes) -> .routes; ( node.allnodesinArea [“highway”=”bus_stop”] ->.stops; node.allnodesinArea [“amenity”=”bus_station”] ->.busstations; node.allnodesinArea [“railway”=”tram_stop”] ->.tstops; node.allnodesinArea [“public_transport”] ->.platforms; node [“highway”=”bus_stop”] [“network”~”VOR|ÖBB.”]; node [“railway”=”tram_stop”] [“network”~”VOR|ÖBB.”]; node [“public_transport”=”platform”] [“network”~”VOR|ÖBB.*”]; ) -> .stopsPlatformsAndStopPositions; // All bus_stop, tram_stop, platform nodes // inside of Belgium and some outside of Belgium // in case they are served by De Lijn or TEC ( way(bn.allnodesinArea) [“highway”=”bus_guideway”]; way(bn.allnodesinArea) [“railway”]; ) ->.tracks; // all bus_guideways and tram rails node(w.tracks); // and their nodes way(bn.allnodesinArea) [“amenity”=”shelter”] [“shelter_type”=”public_transport”] ->.shelters; // all PT shelters node(w.shelters); // and their nodes node.allnodesinArea [“amenity”=”shelter”] [“shelter_type”=”public_transport”] ->.shelternodes; // shelters mapped as nodes node(r.routes); // nodes for all the routes way(bn)->.parentways1; // the ways they belong to node(w.parentways1); // all nodes for those ways rel(bw.parentways1); // and all relations they are members of way(r.routes); // member ways of all the routes node(w); // and their nodes //way(bn); // side ways of these ways //node(w); // and their nodes too way(bn.stopsPlatformsAndStopPositions); // parent ways for platforms and stop_positions rel(bn.stopsPlatformsAndStopPositions) [“type”=”public_transport”] -> .stopAttributes; // stop_area relations ( rel(br.stopAttributes) -> .SAG; // stop_area_group relations rel(br.SAG) -> .SAG2; // parents of stop_area_group relations rel(br.SAG2); // grandparents of stop_area_group relations ) -> .stop_areas_and_groups; //r.stop_areas_and_groups »; node(r.stopAttributes); way(r.stopAttributes); node(w); ); out meta;

Das kannst du direkt in JOSM benutzen wenn du das mirrored_download plugin installierst. Oder in Overpass Turbo.

Ich habe alle HS in Wien die Teil sind vom highway auf public_transport=stop_position umgestellt. Wenn du jetzt die public_transport:version=2 auf die Routen setzt wirst du sehen das automatisch stop und platform Rollen korrekt gesetzt werden.

Ich habe die so gesucht:

public_transport=platform child (type:way -(highway=platform public_transport=platform highway=footway ))



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