
Public GPS Traces from cello

by cello

Castasegna, Soglio, Via Panoramico

by cello

garden model railroad, 2nd trip

by cello

garden model railroad

by cello

Zoo Zürich, mongolische steppe

by cello

mapping some fire hydrants

by cello

walk/hike in Morschach (GPS Dev. 1)

by cello

walk/hike in Morschach (GPS Dev. 2)

by cello

a new hydrant in my 'hood

by cello

Triemlispital, Zürich

by cello

mapping some fire hydrants in seebach and one in höngg

by cello

some fire hydrants

by cello

walk to burn some calories, looking for hydrants

by cello

walk in dietlikon

by cello

walking around, looking for hydrants

by cello

fire hydrants along herbstweg, zurich

by cello

walk in frick (Switzerland), mapping some postboxes and hydrants

by cello

short walk, collecting hydrants

by cello

walk in buelach, mapping some hydrants

by cello

walk in buelach, mapping some hydrants

by cello

short walk in bretten, collecting some hydrants