
capiscuas's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by capiscuas

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Simple script to bulk add non redundant tags on boundary=administrative ways

Thanks for the comments, I realized it was a bad practice in OSM and changed the title of it.

Simple script to bulk add non redundant tags on boundary=administrative ways

Yeah, as I said it is not a mandatory thing to do because editors and renders can understand from the relation.

Japan in OSM - The whole picture

Awesome, you guys work and you are an example for the rest of the community to be more active.

Fixing Jakarta boundaries (and II)

Hi Iyan(almost similar name), yeah, I totally forgot about kabupaten kepulauan Seribu. I added them now, and fixed them a bit, for example each pulau was linked to kabupaten Jakarta Selatan. I also added Pulau Harapan as kelurahan so in total are 6.

I fixed a bit Wikipedia ID when I saw some inconsistency about the links or names. I removed TMII as admin_level=8 relation, and fixed the Sukapura duplication.

Check the 0.2 version and if everything is ok, I will upload it in the next days…

Great work in HOT Indonesia btw.

Best Regards.

Fixing Jakarta's boundaries (Part I)

Here is the second part:

Bulk conversion of administrative boundaries to new OSM format in Jakarta

I did a new post explaining the cleaning scripts.

Bulk conversion of administrative boundaries to new OSM format in Jakarta

Hello walter, yeah, that’s on my plan, I am quite aware of how to create “good” boundary relations without overlapping ways, I have quite sharp python skills and I’ve xml parsing of osm nodes, ways and relations. That’s why I mentioned ‘automagically’ script in the post.

I recognize that will be the difficult part but that’s the interesting part, everybody does hate doing repetitive tasks :-)

What to do about Bus routes in Puebla?

Before deleting anything it needs to be made sure that those routes are really outdated, 3 years is not too long in terms of bus routes to change in my opinion.