
Heading back to work

Posted by Skippern on 20 August 2011 in English.

I am soon heading back to work, that mean early monday morning. Last time I headed for the same vessel I was waiting almost a week on a hotel in Rio de Janeiro. The result was that I could put the hotel on the map using my Mapzen POI collector. If I'll be waiting on a hotel again, I'll try to get a few more points in.

Further, returning to work allow me time to do some map work again, since at home I am occupied with house maintenance, kids, financial mess, trying to start up a company and much more. At work I have my hours of work, a few hours of leisure, and my hours of rest, and with a descent internet connection and PortableApps I can get some work done, both through JOSM, and through maintaining wiki pages, a tagging preset and messing with MapCSS.

By the time I change vessel I hope to have uploaded all the symbols I have access to to INT-1, and make more headway on creating SVG icons for MapCSS and my preset.

Tracing is getting more and more difficult as I am running out of areas of interest for me to trace. I could do with better data in southern Espírito Santo, there are need of removing some cloud patches, and some more flyovers needs to be added, as I would like to trace Divino de São Lourenço and Guaçuí, among a few other places. Maybe I should continue adding natural= and landuse= around Guarapari?

Location: Centro, Guarapari, Região Geográfica Imediata de Vitória, Greater Vitória, Região Geográfica Intermediária de Vitória, Espírito Santo, Southeast Region, Brazil


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