
SimonPoole's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by SimonPoole

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OpenStreetMap iD / OpenStreetMap ArcGIS comparison

@mpulve could you provide a link/screenshots to what you are using and that show the issues? As it is now your posting is quite puzzling.

Agroecology Map application in the F-Droid repository

There seems to be a small inconsistency wrt licensing. On the one hand you are claiming that everything is “Open Source” but on the other hand you are using a NC licence (see that, by definition, is not an OSS licence.

This is why Google/Apple maps will always be ahead; any company that relies on OSM for navigation will never catch up

Your ban seems to have little to nothing to do with the source material but far more with your behaviour towards your fellow mappers.

And as has been pointed out, just because we are allowed to use a specific source, doesn’t imply that it is suitable or even desirable to include in OSM.

Streetcomplete ohne Augmented Reality

Alternativ kannst du auch einen günstigen Laserdistanzmesser verwenden.

Es gibt auch solche von Bosch mit Bluetooth Unterstützung die im Prinzip auch in einer App integriert werden könnten, leider erlaubt Bosch die Nutzung des Protokolls nicht in Apps von Drittanbietern.

Why we should care about googles scoped storage on Android

Small update: about a year or so back, google did actually start indexing the Android bug tracker.

Opening Musings

Sure -you- don’t care, but lets just take the example of government organisations, up to now they had a multitude of options to acquire services outside of google from OSM based companies.

In the future they will just have the choice between the goog and an organisation controlled by Facebook, Microsoft and Amazon.

Overture Maps at State of the Map Europe 2023

I think you are missing what the main disruptive impact of Overture really is and I might blog on that later. And yes the Linux Foundation at large, not just Marc don’t seem to understand that too.

But, it probably needs to be pointed out that contrary to what you imply, Michelle and Dorothea didn’t just randomly turn up one day, they are doing the jobs the OSMF employs them for.

PMTiles as a data source for the JOSM MapWithAI plugin

@vorpalblade not only Java 17. There are at least 3 different http clients in wide use and I needed to abstract (admittedly in a bit of a hackish fashion) around that too. The thing my library has going for it that it has literally no third-party runtime dependencies so it is very lightweight.

PMTiles as a data source for the JOSM MapWithAI plugin

@AkuAnakTimur quality is one aspect, but there are other reasons too.

PMTiles as a data source for the JOSM MapWithAI plugin

Just for the record: and

PS: IMHO both google and MS building outlines should be considered off limits.

“The Birdcage is lonely” - @OpenStreetMap engagement on Mastodon/Fediverse is streets ahead of Twitter.

My post/toot on the fund raising drive got 2 retweets on TSNFKAT, but 981 (and increasing) boosts on Mastodon, even though I have roughly 30% more followers on TSNFKAT.

🌂 The Past, The Present, The Future

I can only comment on 2) and following.

Nobody had or has any problem with your question with respect to the usage of AWS.

However you can’t reasonably expect everybody to drop what they are doing to get you an immediate detailed answer, for, a in the larger scheme of things, small line item in the budget. Nor should you expect to find every detail documented in advance.

It was clearly pointed out to you that the person responsible on the technical side of things was on vacation and wouldn’t be available before today, but you didn’t pause your barrage of requests even just for two days.

Instead of blaming everybody else for your totally over the top reaction to the push back you deservedly received, maybe you should calm down and reflect a bit.

Ich finde in der PC-Version nicht die Möglichkeit,

In der PC-Version von was?

🚸 AI-Powered Pedestrian Crossing Mapping: A Revolution

Naturally a 7 years old project will have lots of limitations compared with something recently created, that wasn’t the point.

🚸 AI-Powered Pedestrian Crossing Mapping: A Revolution


🚸 AI-Powered Pedestrian Crossing Mapping: A Revolution

This isn’t really a new idea, we (HSR/SOSM) ran a Maproulette challenge generated from AI identified pedestrian crossings back in November of 2016.

The 20% drop in new contributors (preliminary analysis)

@JJIglesias the retention rate has always been low to very low (with some small differences), and youthmappers are no different than other similar sources. The relevant number of concern (new mapper influx) isn’t affected by this in any case, any effect on “large mapper” growth will be longer term, if there is any at all.

My pandemic mapping project: Cheltenham addresses

I think you might have been overthinking the mobile editor aspect a bit. I can only speak for Vespucci, but the fast thing to do is to add address nodes where the door is on the building outline, the app will automatically add an entrance tag.

Typically given a half regular numbering scheme you will not have to type anything as the number will be predicted. If you need to fix up building outlines later on, having the entrance node already doesn’t really get in the way.

Geoportaldaten in Berlin abgleichen

Das osm_ids Objekt ist optional, man kann aktuell aber keine solchen Todos ohne Objektbezug in Vespucci erstellen (normale Notes gehen natürlich auch), aber das Laden (und Abspeichern) geht.

Speichert man eine halb abgearbeitete Todoliste ab, dann sollten die abgearbeiteten Einträge “state”=”CLOSED” haben. Workflow: das Problem ist natürlich, dass es am besten wäre wenn man existierende OSM-Objekte referenziert, das geht im Augenblick nicht mit Features in GeoJSON (da es dort keine id geben muss die man als Referenz verwenden kann.

Muss ich mir mal überlegen ob man was in der Art unterstützen könnte.

Geoportaldaten in Berlin abgleichen

Noch als Nachtrag das Dateiformat