
Satellite Photos

Posted by SalihB on 14 July 2010 in Turkish (Türkçe).

Satellite photos are very bad in Çankırı, Türkiye (Turkey). Aren't there any alternative photos? Mapping is impossible there with these...


Comment from davespod on 14 July 2010 at 12:45

Welcome! I too live in an area with very low resolution Yahoo imagery. I use a GPS logger to collect traces of roads and paths, and map from these.

In the long run, I may speak to a local photographer who does aerial photography to see whether he will grant rights to trace his imagery for OSM.

Unfortunately, to date, it is only Yahoo that has given global rights to the OSM community to use its imagery for tracing, and the resolution they have varies depending on the area. Who knows, maybe another big provider will sooner or later grant rights, but for the time being, if you want to trace high resolution imagery, it is a case of finding someone who can provide it, and asking permission. Companies have given permission in some places (e.g., Nearmap in Australia).

In other places, authorities have given rights to use their maps or geodata:

It is probably worth making contact with other mappers in Turkey, via the mailing list. They will know whether there are any sources of data or imagery you can currently use, and whether there are any negotiations going on to get some.

Good luck!

Good luck!

Comment from katpatuka on 13 October 2010 at 13:15

Eğer josm kullanıyorsan onun WMS eklentiyle Landsat resimleri da kullanılabilir fakat o da fazla ayrıntılı değil (300 metre kadar) - en azından Yahoo'dan iyi. Yahoo'nun Türkideki ayrıntılı resimler maalesef sadece İstanbul, Ankara, Bursa, İzmir ve Adana'da bulunur...

Üstelik Türkiye'den kendisinden gelen kaynaklar de hiç yok! Serbest kullanımda olan .shp dosyaları, kroki, il ve ilçe sınırları v.b. bildiğim kadarıyla yok!

Comment from SalihB on 16 October 2010 at 11:37

Mahalle muhtarliklarinda bulunuyor aslinda. Muhtarlikta gordum Istanbul'da. Eeen iyisi flshdsk ile muhtarliktan taratip kullanmaktir. Hatta elle çizilmis de vardi apt no detayinda, mahalle sinirlarida. Elbette 1 foto aldim ve ist sehremini mahallesinde isime yaradi. Ayrica bazi kamusal yerlerin bina haritalari da istte trmvy drklrinda vr. Çapa tip fakultesinde kullanacagim. Çankiri'ya diger yaz gidince muhtarliktan haritayi tarattirip alacagim ins. Bu arada Çankiri Korgun'da GPS izleri ile bir seyler yaptim ama etrafinda çok dag oldugu icin cebimde bile dursa 10m sapiyor. Bisikletle tel elimde bayagi 1 surus yaptim ve oranin internet kynkli tek haritasini yptm. Oranin google hrtlari da yaramazdi onun da cook eski grntlri yollar bile farkli.

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