
Evo, umjesto da sam vani i skupljam trackove, gledam na webu planove oko relicenciranja OSM i vezane probleme i uzrujavam se i razmišljam ima li smisla trošiti vrijeme na mapiranje nečega što će možda već za koji mjesec biti obrisano ?

I tako već neko vrijeme odgađam mapiranja i čekam da vidim kako će završiti cijela priča sa relicenciranjem iz CC-BY-SA na OdBL (i koliko će podataka - što mojih, što tuđih: bez obzira da li smo za ili protiv nove licence - morati biti uništeno da bi se to napravilo).

Pa sam napokon odlučio izmijeniti wiki stranicu da bolje odražava trenutno stanje:

i da polinkam barem na neke probleme (od hrpetine njih) koji nas očekuju (ili su se već dogodili).


Comment from Valent Turkovic on 3 June 2010 at 12:15

zašto pad entuzijazma? koliko sam čitao o licenci i koliko vidim to je jedini način da se ide "naprijed"...
trenutna licenca nema nikakvu pravnu snagu, te nema smisla za baze podataka

Comment from Valent Turkovic on 3 June 2010 at 12:30

možda da na listi malo pojasniš jer vidim da si više upućen

Comment from Richard on 3 June 2010 at 16:13

"if (currently) just for a minority of people who've been following "the boring legal issues" and actually care about the freedom of OSM data"

That's a really rotten thing to say. What you mean is:

"if (currently) just for a minority of people who've been following "the boring legal issues" and disagree with my personal opinion about the freedom of OSM data"

I don't mind if you disagree with me or others, but I do mind if you say I don't care about it.

Comment from Richard on 3 June 2010 at 16:15

I mean "agree with", of course ;)

Comment from Matija Nalis on 3 June 2010 at 20:55

Richard: thanks for warning, I did not mean for it to sound like I could speak for anybody else but myself on my personal page. I was trying to convey that some (currently small, as most don't have any idea at all) subset of contributors are having problems with ODbL move; not that *everyone* involved with legal issues have to feel the same ("my") way. I've reworded that paragraph now to make it clearer what exactly I'm talking about; I hope it no longer feels insulting (again, sorry for that, that was not intention at all. In my defense, English is not my primary language, and sometimes I miss finer nuances and implications of specific wordings)

Valent: ok, radim na tome. Malo je obilnije da bi bilo razumljivije laicima, pa ce trebati koji dan.

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