
Math1985's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by Math1985

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OpenStreetMap Notes: some interesting stats

In fact the wiki does not discourage using Notes as a personal to-do list (it explicitly says ‘Although you can use notes as a reminder to yourself, you are also inviting others to look at it.’.)

I can’t speak for others, but I solve a lot of the notes that I create myself, but also solve a lot of notes created by other users.

Glorious JOSM

You might also be interested in the BuildingsTools plugin.

Areas rendering order

Interesting ideas, as I’m on holiday now I don’t have time to fully study them.

Could you post this as an issue on ?

Thought experiment: What if values had no keys?

I fully agree.

Note that we have different categorisation systems in OSM: * The color scheme of the icons used in the default rendering (for example, blue is a transport category which does not exist as a key classification) * The categorisation system in OsmAND (which for example has a finance category) * The way JOSM categorises features * The Flosm categorisation system

All of them use different categorisation systems, which shows that a central one-size-fits-all categorisation system does not make sense

Fortunately new tag look-up systems, such as in iD, which by default don’t show the key names at all, largely resolve this problem.

OpenStreetMap Carto release v3.3.1

No, it hasn’t bern deployed yet.

Verkeerde straatnaam

Ik heb hem voor je aangepast, bedankt voor het melden! Overigens kun je dergelijke zaken het beste melden via de Notes-functie: het tweede knopje van onder rechts onderaan. Of je kunt de kaart natuurlijk meteen zelf aanpassen!

POI standardization: Tractor Supply Co.

How similarly are these to Dutch ‘Boerenbond’ (literally ‘Farmers Union’) shops? See for a picture gallery.

POI standardization: Tractor Supply Co.

Have a look at the project, which is currently used by iD.

Newcomers are welcome, even Pokemon Go mappers

Hi rory, I used to be very sceptical as well, but at least for South Korea, credit to OSM has been added in the app now:

CJK fonts missing in standard layer (follow-up)

Shop labels are now rendered from z18 instead of z17.

label weight

You can find the relevant code here:

Names of cities and towns are rendered in the layer placenames-medium. Each place is assigned a score, obtained by multiplying the population by 3 for national capitals, 2 for state capitals, and by 1 for other places. If a city has no population tag, 100000 is used as default.

It seems currently neither of the places have a population tag in the database, but adding both population tags wouldn’t help as Minneapolis seems to be less than twice as big as Saint Paul.

We recently had a big discussion that resulted in the current algorithm, see

Illustration for a PhD Paper

Too late, a Belgian student already wrote a thesis on this topic: Class struggle in the garden -Communication via (kitsch) objects in the garden (through Google Translate).

New road style for the Default map style - the full version

Great work! The new style looks a lot better than the old one overall. It’s clear now that using colours different from the background colours not only increases legibility in the extreme cases (trunk on forest, secondary on farmland), but also makes the overall legibility much better.

Some random comments:

  • I agree the with the others the shield colour is too strong, especially for trunk and motorway (this is a comment on the original rendering posted here, I haven’t looked at the proposals in your responses yet).

  • At some zoomlevels trunk seems rather similar too primary, maybe it’s possible to move it slightly closer to motorway?

  • The secondary casing could perhaps slightly toned down, at least on z11.

  • The new z7 doesn’t look really pleasant, but I can’t tell well why. The ‘before’ image is missing by the way). Levels z6 and z8 look fine though.

  • For pedestrian/living_street, I still like the final example. Would it be possible to reduce the clash with landuse=industrial by adding a stronger, for example purple, outline?

  • I see tertiary is now white and wider - do you have some more examples of urban areas to show how that works?

  • The difference between regular casing and bridge casing might need some work. For example on z16-z18 in this is not really clear.

  • In the same example, residential seems too thick on z15 - not sure if that’s a problem in other areas too?

Once again, great work so far!

New road style for the Default map style - the first version

A couple of more comments from my side:

  • I wouldn’t be against dropping trams on z12 too.
  • Paths - I think we need either a double line or a dashed line. An individual coloured line is not recognizable enough as way.
  • @pnorman: Switching away from blue motorways is necessary in my opinion because of the confusion with rivers on low zoom levels.