
Emmertex's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by Emmertex

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Horsham is getting somewhere

nm7s9: On Jos I think there is a sign, but I think 4 entrances to the car park as shown on OSM is wrong as well, there is only 3. I need to survey this one. It is more accurate on OSM than on google.
This also applied to Bradbury Lane, it only enters on one side.
This same innacuracy is seen on the block south again.
Leave all those with me, I will go survey it.

Horsham is getting somewhere

Looks like I made typo's.
Selkirk Drive I just corrected.
Yes there is a Ashwin Walk and Ashwin Close.
As for Jos and Bradbury, I don't know of them. Could you let me know their location and I'll check them out.
Happy for you to help me on the area :)

As for missalignment, the majority of the city is offset, following satellite images is no good for this region, and the offset is not constant either.
I will get to aligning everything once I survey it all.

Horsham is getting somewhere

Using JOSM.
Just minor warnings I don't know why they are there, or what it's complaining about.
The warnings are, Crossed ways (when going over a river/channel). Road is tagged bridge=yes for that seciton.
Way End Node near other highway.
Relation Type is Unknown