
Public GPS Traces from ElliottPlack

by ElliottPlack in streetcomplete_ee

Speed camera for this stretch is located right under the bridge via StreetComplete_ee 53.32

by ElliottPlack in streetcomplete_ee

New road called Watershed Lane via StreetComplete_ee 53.32

by ElliottPlack in streetcomplete_ee

Everything to the right is under construction via StreetComplete_ee 53.31

by ElliottPlack in streetcomplete_ee

Path to entrance via StreetComplete_ee 53.31

by ElliottPlack in streetcomplete_ee

New pathway system. The section that runs along the water is made of wood via StreetComplete_ee 53.31

by ElliottPlack in streetcomplete_ee

Had the parking lot roads underneath via StreetComplete_ee 53.31

by ElliottPlack in streetcomplete

Amtrak via StreetComplete 53.1

by ElliottPlack in streetcomplete

New alley via StreetComplete 53.1

by ElliottPlack in bicycle, strava

Tour Dem Parks 2019 35 mile ride

by ElliottPlack

BRRC Trail Group Training Run

by ElliottPlack

Scouting at Loch Raven and Gunpowder

by ElliottPlack

NCR and a little side bridle path action

by ElliottPlack

Upper Loch Raven trails and abandoned Northern Central Railroad exploration Run

by ElliottPlack

Super Bowl 8miler Trail Race

by ElliottPlack

Phoenix Dome trail exploration run

by ElliottPlack

Monday Trails and exploring

by ElliottPlack

Upper Reservoir Loop! Avoiding Fireroads Sticking to Shredding Single-Track. Incredible Solace Out Here. Headspace Achieved.

by ElliottPlack

Getting Trails in before the Heat

by ElliottPlack

Trails at Gunpowder, Hereford Zone

by ElliottPlack

Westsider Hereford Loop. Midday Trail Run at GFSP