
Diomas's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by Diomas

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iD editor: It is time for us to end this abusive relationship just… wow basically “we don’t give a %$#* about your problem in tagging this case, no matter how people used to do this before - we don’t care, just try to solve it by creating an extra geometry”

MAPS.ME is now an editor

First I saw edits in my newsfeed: this got me curious what did you guys do there in the app. Great work! is still quite lightweight and very fast at the moment (which is the main advantage over any other offline osm-app). The only thing I worry about: it gets more and more specific features, so we may get some Heavy-Any-Purpose-Osmandish-Battery-Eater one day.

Getting highways without parking lanes tag with Overpass turbo

also highway=crossing can be mapped as a way (a line connecting two sidewalks lines that crosses road highway line in highway=crossing node), so you should exclude it as well

Открываем городские данные

некоммерческого картографического проекта OpenStreetMap

При таких формулировках, мне кажется, надо быть точнее: некоммерческого картографического проекта OpenStreetMap, данные которого могут быть использованы в коммерческих целях

А то они могут подумать, что их данные вообще не появятся в коммерческих продуктах, а это не так.


Зачем на адресной точке внутри здания building=yes? Здание и так нарисовано контуром, нужен второй адрес - просто добавьте точку с addr:housenumber и addr:street (или associatedStreet релейшн).

How to tag alphalt in a forest

highway=rack is something that appears after few vehicles run over the same path. Think of it as highway=path for people - no one creates highway=path it just appears when hundreds of shoes hit the ground at the same place. Otherwise it’s a highway=footway (if someone created it)

So when a road is prepared in some way (it has some paving or cleaning from bushes or the ground is graded) it becomes unclassified.

Learn-a-tag: highway=escape

Good idea!

I suggest a couple of improvements:

  1. put the tag in the note title after “Learn-a-tag” (the current should be “Learn-a-tag: highway=escape”
  2. put an example photo (get it from the wiki for example) as an attraction and a quick explanation to “strange” title
Profile's neigbourhood analysis

И вправду, 3 мес назад… надо бы взяться за ум

Программка для фотомаппинга

mapillary еще

get children involved

source=child_labour :)

Experimental Overpass attic support in Achavi (augmented change viewer)

Best diff viewer, I’ve seen!

I wonder, if it could handle elements that were deleted in some changeset that consists of only deletions? The problem is such changesets doesn’t leave any marks on the bbox osm data: no object – no changeset references.

My understanding is client-side history viewer just can’t do this without storing planet diffs somewhere. Am I wrong?

А давайте проведём маленький опрос

читаемость 5 3 4 1 2 наполненность 5 1 4 3 2

вообще, в будущем надо либо рисовать номер на самих скриншотах, либо просить указывать названия рендеров, а не их номера, а то очень сложно во время оценки еще следить, кто из них под каким порядковым номером

Недостаток подложек

xinfeng, osm как раз и делается так, чтобы всякие “юристы” не пытались к нему прикопаться

What does the path say?

IMHO, last photo is highway=path (not a rural highway=footway).

highway=path is not a road or a footway created by someone, but just a way were many people walk (or many bikes ride, or whatever), so the grass stopped to grow there, or the dust became more compacted and the way became visible. So the surface is supposed to be ground (at least by default).

A Social Without Groups

Even with a pure implementation groups integrated into the site are much closer to normal users than forums or maillists. Look at any novice mapper that comes to the site and start mapping (using tools gives him). Tell me, how does he know that these forums or maillists even exist? All these secret back-door communities almost fully consist of developer guys…

Место Сапато

зато благодаря таким сеошникам всякие сапаты очень быстро попадают в бан-листы :)

how to tag a photograph to point location

Hi, I’m not sure, what do you mean by tag a photograph, but here are some use cases:

If you want to tag a photographer working place, use one of these tags: craft=photographer, craft=photographic_laboratory, for a photo studio use shop=photo_studio, for a shop selling cameras and photo accessories: shop=photo

If you want to point some good observation view to take panoramas etc, use tourism=viewpoint

Second attempt to address mapping

I use a garmin gps to collect house numbers, and I put a +/- sign after a house number: - means from the left of my track, and + from the right of my track. Not sure, KeypadMapper allow non-number characters.

Mysterious Object in China found


Повышение качества адресации

Я бы не сильно надеялся на помощь в отрисовке бинга, но если есть желание проставить адреса, то контуры домов не нужны, особенно в частной застройке. Я делаю так: иду по улице ставлю на gps точки с номерами домов напротив этих домов, если видно номера домов сразу с обеих сторон дороги, то к названиям точек прибавляю + (справа) или - (слева). Потом в josm просто ставлю точки с адресами только addr:street и addr:housenumber без building=yes и прочего.

И все: в любом навигаторе на местности сразу появляется адресный поиск, а контуры домов - это, конечно, хорошо но не так критично как адреса