
Public GPS Traces from Bishal9841

by Bishal9841 in #2cpokhara#kll

Cycle route track from kathmandu living labs pokhara, to Bindabasini temple.

by Bishal9841 in Shop, School, Hotel, Temple#2cPokhara#kll

Track from kathmandu living labs,Pokhara to Bhadrakali temple

by Bishal9841 in School, Drinking Water, Co-Operative #KLL#2CPokhara

Added Point of Interest and school in lekhnath area 9,10 and 11

by Bishal9841 in School, Drinking Water, Co-Operative #KLL#2CPokhara

Field Visit of Lekhnath Area 9,10 and 11

by Bishal9841 in Reastaurant, Hotel, Shopping Centre, Department store and many more #kll#2CPokhara

Field Visit of Lakeside Area

by Bishal9841 in Restaurants, hotel, Shop, supermarket, Department Store

Field Visit of Lake Side area

by Bishal9841 in #2CPokhara, #KLL, #AAG

Yesterdays Field Work