
Barthwo's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by Barthwo

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New road style for the Default map style - highway=path is evil

Maybe you can make highway=residential a little bit thinner and make them distiguishible from the highway=unclassified, which is part of the “grid” and should be rendered a little bit thicker, especially in z14.

I would like to see residential from z12 on.


Sowas ist mir auch schon vorgekommen. Aber in der Regel ist die "Schar" der gpx im Mittel besser wie deine eigene einmalige Messung. Auch bei "normalen" Abweichungen von nur 5-10 Metern können kurzzeitig massive Abweichungen vorkommen bei einem einzelnen Track. Das ist mir schon bei drei unterschiedlichen GPS Geräten passiert.

Mapnik rendering of this one forest is light grey instead of green

Thanks guys. Seems to be fixed. Rendering looks good now.

Mapnik rendering of this one forest is light grey instead of green

I found a "inner polygon" of this mulitpolygon which wasn't "inner" in my opinion. So I deleted it and hopefully it will render correctly now.

Mapnik rendering of this one forest is light grey instead of green

That may be the solution. Someone edited this large area and it wasn't closed whe he finished.

Anyone any idea how to find the "loose ends"?