
Awo's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by Awo

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Why I am mapping trees

Thanks for the note Frederik Ramm.

It is impressive that each time trees take center stage in OSM, they already represent 8.7% of all nodes. From Chile a few years ago I dedicated myself to mapping the trees in various cities, today being the challenge of completing the city of Valdivia, Los Ríos Region. Currently, several citizen organizations at the national level are pressing for the enactment of an Urban Trees Law, for its regulation and care, in addition to proposing the OSM platform as the ideal tool to register the Urban Trees with Open Data at the national level.

We will make it.

Our web mapping prototype for Urban Trees.

Greetings from Chile.

OpenStreetMap in CubaConf 2016

me alegra mucho que existe una comunidad opentreetmap JOSM en la Isla. Desde acá algunas cosas he hecho por mi Barrio, en Stgo de las Vegas. Saludos desde Valdivia, Chile. y sigan con el mismo entusiasmo :P