
Aury88's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by Aury88

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Floor plans, wall generation and labels

Hi ,@Augustus Kling, Yes, probably it was an issue with my browser or with one of its plugin. From my smartphone it works correctly. Thank you.

Specialized mappers

ah! 9 yrs ago I also loved to map every single ancient wall in the archeological site of Ostia Antica xD

Floor plans, wall generation and labels

that is simply wonderful! thx @Augustus Kling

Probably your server now is overloaded by multiple requests. I was not able to see any indoor mapping (in my indoor mapped buildings and in your examples presets) but only the normal carto-map.

I will try again later

Specialized mappers

@mvexel: I don’t know…maybe…

I used JOSM and its filtering system.

Specialized mappers

I also love to map schools : Politecnico di Milano1 Politecnico di Milano 2 (some building with indoor mapping)

shopping centre (with indoor mapping): Il Globo Torri Bianche

hospitals: Vimercate

teme park:Etnaland

and research centre: Virgo(gravity interferometer), CIRA(aerospace research centre)

so everything that can be mapped from a good resolution aerial image but I like also random mapping

i mapped them years ago so probably I’m hidden in the chronology xD

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Personally, I do not agree about the website. Imho the question of change for the sake of change could be posed with a complete website with all the needed features. The problem is that there are obviously useful features, also requested by mappers, such as the ability to edit tags directly, but that are not inserted and will not be inserted…. and I don’t understand why… at the same time in my opinion the lack of features leads to less interest in the project by potential contributors because many evaluate the quality of a project from its website and the services they can get from it. In my opinion our website can be ok for a contributor, ( we can see a missing object or a wrong route or the users notes, but not map issues or directly edit the tags) but not enought to attract the interest of the normal (medium) user/consumer ( no errorproof search, not waypoint route, nor distance measurement, nor see the names in the user language, or hide closed POI or show only requested poi tipology etc…and in the map there is not a simple link to these services outside the main website). I’m not a developer so I can’t say anything about comunity relation on GitHub but I can understand and agree that shutting down pr only because they are not refactoring or small code doesn’t encourage further contributions.

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@Mateusz Konieczny Ah! wow!

are you really saying that the only thing that came to your mind for which you think the main website ( does not give the idea of an abandoned place is the adding of a button to abandon the project?


apart from this hilarious thing are you really answering my question about the changes that a non-technical / casual / consumer user can see in “” with a (single) change within the user profile hidden in “ “ that a technical / casual / consumer user has to search for or cannot access at all?

I’m afraid the only thing that is “clearly incorrect” is your interpretation of my question. Given the more informative and correct answer from Zverik it seems that the answer to my question is yes… if you take a screenshot of “” (the main webpage not the popups or the whole website…i did not talk about*) from years ago and compare it with a today screenshot the only change is perhaps inside the map, but the website (, not a subdirectory) has remained absolutely the same.

things like separate preferences and profile forms is only for already registered user and visible after login and OAuth2 support is something you have to search to notice…(also because it is not in the mainpage but in the login form so not accessible to non tech/generic/cosumer user that only uses the mainpage ) and absolutely not visible to non-technical users.

maybe the Collapsible list of members and parents for an object is something that an user may notice (i did not, I thought it had been there for some time, my bad) but again I would not call it a change that as a user who visits the main site can normally notice (also because it is not in the main-page but in the object form, opened after searching or selecting an object in the map).

So I’m afraid my concern remains. the development of the main page of the project (, not some sub-directories or the online editors), the project “business card”, is from years exactly the same and gives the idea of an abandoned project, unless you have absolute attention with the details (or you look for suggestions on PR in github)

there is no advantage in hiding the truth or exaggerating things just to have arguments for the project .There is plenty to be proud of .there is absolutely no need to bring as an example things that have absolutely nothing to do with the osm main page just to have arguments in favor of your arguments


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“That is untrue. It is possible that nothing that was added is considered as important or major by you.”

I’m not talking about “important” or “mayor” changes but generic changes in the website interface or feature, so the things that also a non tech/generic/cosumer user may notice. I did not notice any tyoe if change in the last years on

I would be delighted to be proved wrong. instead of just saying I’m not correct please tell me what changes there would be. What was added?

“That idea is wrong.”

The idea may be wrong but this is what comes from a site whose interface or functionality is not improved. and this can be a disincentive to potential new contributors to register whether or not the idea is true or wrong

Re-mapping of the Forte Montecchio Nord (Fort Montecchio North)

ciao EdoBoo,

ottimo lavoro. ora è molto più chiaro.

unico commento che mi sento di fare è che, vedendo anche le tracce gps, l’immagine usata per il ricalco è affetta da un offset, forse anche dovuto al fatto che il forte si trova in una posizione rialzata.

Secondo me conviene spostare il tutto tramite foto meglio allineate. hai provato con le PCN 2012?


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oops! sorry, I meant Zverik, not Adam Franco :-P

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Thank you Adam Franco.

This is a known missing feature in

From time to time there is a discussion about this obvious and very useful feature (e.g.1, e.g. 2).

To my knowledge we all generally agree that this would be an extremely useful feature, but strangely in all these years nothing has been done about it.

Sadly if it weren’t for the improvements on the map, and some random banner , the idea given by the website is that of an abandoned project … we haven’t seen any new feature for years. :-(

Why OpenStreetMap is not popular?

I see 3 other big problems:

  • One big problem with our map is that our main tile render displays the local name and not the (user) localized name…so when we explore the map often we are not able to identify easily what we are seeing and almost over the half of the globe is displayed in foreign/an-know language/characters for the user/consumer … this is confusing and not very helpful.

  • Secondly our main website is seen as a service provider rather than the portal serving the QA tools for the mappers and, let me say it, it is seen as a poor experience for a consumer perspective…

  • Third problem is that business have a clear advantage to be displayed on GoogleMaps so they are the first that put their data on that map. In osm that advantage is not so clear, and their information can be vandalized/changed without their consent by anyone… whe don’t have stable node/way/relation id so any information in our database can be changed anytime by anyone…so why put effort in a so incontrollable database?

The Maps Team at Facebook is excited to announce RapiD Editor Partner Testing

why not put the “source” tag on the changeset instead of the single feature?

My First Edits

Welcome and congratulations for your first edit!

JOSM's PT_Assistant learned a few new tricks

Wow! A very impressive and useful work! Thank you guys ;-)

Legge ludopatia Piemonte

Molto interessante Raffons; avevo intravisto la notizia sul TGR (la mia tv prende a random i tg regionali di un po tutte e regioni, tranne la lombardia dove vivo xD) ma comunque non sapevo che il limite fosse stato imposto anche rispetto altri elementi oltre che le scuole. praticamente Torino diventa una città slot machine free! Complimenti.

Non sono convinto che per “impianti sportivi” si intendano anche i semplici campetti di gioco e quindi leisure=pitch potrebbe non essere corretto al 100%. forse basta il leisure=sports_centre ci sarebbe anche social_facility:for=mental_health per “strutture residenziali o semiresidenziali operanti in ambito sanitario o socio-sanitario” e forse qualche altro social_facility:for= potrebbe coprire il resto delle “strutture ricettive per categorie protette”.

Potlatch 2.5

thank you very much for your great work ! potlatch 2.* remain my favorite online editor :-)


ciao Franti rise associazione,

anche a nome della comunità italiana ti do il benvenuto su OpenStreetMap (OSM).

Purtroppo non sono della zona ma se hai dubbi o hai bisogno di chiarimenti non esitare a chiedere ;-)

Ne approfitto per segnalarti che, se lo desideri, puoi entrare in contatto con il resto della comunità Italiana tramite mailinglist (ML) dove oltre ad utilissimi suggerimenti per la mappatura sono spesso anche trattati temi più tecnici o news del settore.

Se hai difficoltà come me nella gestione delle ML ti consiglio l’utilizzo di nabble che permette una visualizzazione della ML in stile forum.

Ciao, ancora benvenuto e buona mappatura :-)

Aury88 on Smartphone

@Piskvor: I found the github page (that was not so easy, we really need a “Report a problem” link xD ) there is already a issues filled by erjiang

Cheers on Smartphone

@Piskvor: probably, but I fear that is not the right place either…it’s probably better to fill a bugreport to the developer page or something like the github page if they exist :-/